Grace Ministries
As Lutherans who value the Word as the ground of our faith, study is important to us and there are many learning opportunities at both Grace and Emmanuel to join with others in study and conversations that deepen faith.
Click headings for more information.
3rd Monday, every 2 months
Grace Church
Stewardship/Justice Committee (fondly called “Stew Crew”). This committee meets at Grace Church every other month (beginning January) on the third Monday morning at 9 a.m. We welcome any and all that would like to learn more about stewardship and justice issues and would like to be a part of our team.
Stewardship and Justice issues include caring for God's creation, providing hospitality to our neighbors, concern for our brothers and sisters living in poverty and struggling with hunger and seeking justice and peace for all people. Stewardship includes our time, talents and resources. All that we have, all that we are, belong to God. Our job is to manage the time, resources (money and gifts), relationships, and good creation that God has given to us.
Projects we head up throughout the year are ELCA World Hunger, school supplies, school back-pack program, recommending noisy offering recipients, care packages for college students, care packages for service men and women, sharing stewardship information through newsletter and temple talks, organizing congregation pledge drive, time and talent , Cash for Causes (rummage sale items collected for a project we choose and for Disabled Vets) and whatever else comes to our attention.
Please check the calendar in the newsletter for quilting days
Grace Church
The Grace quilters meet in the lower level of the church to cut fabric, tie quilts, and manage our resources for quilt making. Please check the newsletter for dates. No experience needed! Please feel free to come and observe a session to see what we do and join us in this important global mission. Most of the quilts we make are distributed through Lutheran World Relief to those in need around the world. The coffee is always on and breaks to catch up with one another are part of the fun of this group. What fun work to produce such a warm gift for others!
Communion Companions
Day & Time
Out-to-Lunch Bunch
2nd Tuesday each month, 11:30am
Location varies
Please note: Out To Lunch Bunch is on hold until further notice. Food, fun, and fellowship pretty much sums up what the OTLB is all about. Grace’s version of “Diners, Drive-ins, and Dives” meets at 11:30 a.m. on the 2nd Monday of the month at a different eatery within an approximate 30-mile radius from Sandstone. As we taste test our way throughout the county, minds are also occasionally challenged with trivia questions of varying subjects. Everyone also has the opportunity to win the traveling trophy if you happen to be the last one served. Come and enjoy!!
Read Feed
4th Tuesday each month, 6pm
Sandstone Public Library
Please Note: Read Feed is on hold until further notice. Love of books and the willingness to read one a month is all that’s needed to enjoy Grace’s book club, Read Feed. Our group meets the fourth Tuesday at 6:00 p.m. in the lounge corner of the Sandstone Library. Discussions bring extra depth to our readings with the occasional left turn to our conversation adding to the fun! Books can be picked up at the library on the Tuesday of our meeting with the books then brought to Grace for pick up. Everyone is welcome!
Confirmation (Affirmation of Baptism)
Wednesdays 6:30-7:30PM
Grace Church
Weekly confirmation classes with Pastor Jacob (7th-9th grade) starting September and ending in May at Grace Lutheran Church. Curriculum covers bible personalities that have led us to Jesus and beyond. Lutheran Unit, Small Catechism, Sacraments, Ten Commandments, the Creeds, Lord’s Prayer and theological discussion of where we are growing in our faith, and how we never stop learning and wrestling with our faith. Please contact our parish church office or Pastor Jacob if you are interested in participating!
Sunday School
Sundays during worship
Grace Church
Sunday School at Grace is for children ages 3-12 (Pre-K to 6th grade). They meet every other Sunday during worship beginning in September and ending in May. Curriculum is from Spark House of Augsburg Fortress and uses a variety of stories, lessons and crafts to learn about God’s Word. Please contact the church office, Sarah Klocke, or Amy Frazer if you would like more information. We invite you to join us and would love to see you there!
1st Monday of each month, 9:30AM (Sep - May)
Grace Church
All women who are members of Grace Lutheran Church are members of Grace Women of the ELCA. Some members have not explored or experienced the blessings of fellowship in the group and we invite and welcome your participation! The women of the congregation are invited to gather at the Church for a time of study, planning, fellowship, and food. It is a place for learning, encouragement, and reflection. There are many participation opportunities: monthly meetings, Spring and Fall Gathering, Summer Convention/Gathering and Funeral Ministry. Check out the link to our own Women of the ELCA page (
Purpose Statement: As a community of women created in the image of God, called to discipleship in Jesus Christ, and empowered by the Holy Spirit, We commit ourselves to grow in faith, affirm our gifts, support one another in our callings, engage in ministry and action, and promote healing and wholeness in the church, the society and the world.
First Word Bible Study
Tuesdays 11 AM
Grace Church
Anyone interested is invited for an in-depth study of the Bible texts that will be read and preached upon during the coming Sunday’s worship with Pastor Jacob and others who attend the study. It is a great opportunity to engage in a rousing conversation about topics of faith with other Christians. Participant Comment: “The scriptures sit with me for the rest of the week and then when I come to church the next Sunday, I feel like I am better ready to hear and understand what Pastor says about those words.”
A church is not just bricks and mortar; a church is a community of faith where people join together to make things happen that would not happen without willing volunteers. If you are interested in helping, if you have ideas, or want to be a leader, please contact Pastor Jacob through the Church Office at 320-245-2449. Together we are the church; together we can make things happen.